13 - Losing something at the mall
Are these sentences true for you? I often lose stuff Yes, the other day I lost my phone. And, I can never find my keys I have lost my...
Are these sentences true for you? I often lose stuff Yes, the other day I lost my phone. And, I can never find my keys I have lost my...
Are these sentences true for you? I think shopping in duty free is too expensive, so I usually don’t bother Yes, I think so. It's much...
Are these sentences true for you? I get scared when the plane is about to take off No, I don't get scared at all. I absolutely love...
Are these sentences true for you? I enjoy eating out, but I worry about putting on weight Yes, I enjoy eating out. But I don't really...
Are these sentences true for you? I don’t like spending a lot of money on a hotel > I like getting a luxury hotel at a reasonable price,...
Are these sentences true for you? I find it difficult to get up in the morning > Yes, I set 2 alarms and I still have trouble getting...
Are these sentences true for you? I haven’t booked my next foreign vacation yet > Yes, I haven't booked a trip abroad, but I'm going to...
Are these sentences true for you? I would like to go backpacking around Europe > Not now, but I would have liked to when I was younger I...
In today's lesson we will look at how to ask people for their opinions and how to agree and disagree politely. These are very useful...
This lesson is about making an apology and accepting an apology. You will practice saying sorry in various situations. We will practice...
In this lesson we will practice asking questions at the hotel information desk. This is useful when you are a hotel and want to book a...
This lesson is about inviting a friend to go and see a movie. You will also have to decide a meeting time and place. I am a big fan of...
Today's lesson is about shopping for clothes. Personally, I love shopping for clothes. Although, it often gets a little more expensive...