Are these sentences true for you?
I would like to go backpacking around Europe
> Not now, but I would have liked to when I was younger
I don’t like travelling long distances by bus
> Actually, I don't mind travelling by bus. I like looking at the scenery out of the window
I have taken a local bus in a different country
> Yes, i have taken a bus in a lot of countries. I took a bus from Seoul to Pusan last year
I can sleep easily on buses, trains, and planes
> I wish! I cannot sleep on buses or planes. However, I sometimes fall asleep on trains
What do you usually do on buses, trains, and planes?
> I usually check my phone. I sometimes study English while I listen to music. On planes, I like to watch movies
When was the last time you took a night bus? Where did you go?
> I haven't taken a night bus for years. I took one to Tokyo about 10 years ago. I had a job interview the next day, but I was so sleepy in the morning
Can you tell us about a time when you took the wrong train or you missed your stop?
> I took the wrong train in Italy when I was going to the airport. I only just made it on time for my flight
What is the longest bus journey that you have ever been on?
> I took a bus from Tokyo to Hiroshima. It took around 8 hours. I never want to take such a long journey again
Person 1: Staff at a Bus station in Osaka
Person 2: A foreign tourist who wants to get information about buying a ticket to Nagano