Are these sentences true for you?
I find it difficult to get up in the morning
> Yes, I set 2 alarms and I still have trouble getting out of bed
I am often running late
> Actually, I always try to arrive around thirty minutes early
I want to study English more but I waste too much time
> That's true. I want to study more but I get distracted really easily
I am not good at saving money
> That's not true for me. I save half of my monthly salary.
What are some daily problems you have in your daily life?
> One problem is that I'm always tired. I want to study or exercise after work, but I'm so sleepy that I always crash out on the sofa.
What habits of other people annoy you?
> It annoys me when people eat food that stinks on the train. It also annoys me when people don't listen to what I say.
Do you think that you are lazy?
> No, not really. Of course, I am sometimes lazy but I always try to do work hard.
Would you like to get in better shape?
> Yes, I want to lose 3 or 4 kilograms.
Imagine that you are sitting in Starbucks with a close friend. Please tell them about a problem you have (real or imaginary!) and ask for their advice